Sunday, July 29, 2007

stupid words, phrases or sayings

ok, so I heard someone refer to themself as "anal retentive" the other day. I've been thinking about this for awhile now. so i thought I would share my thoughts. what does that phrase mean? Does it mean they hold things in their butt? It seems SO STUPID to say that. I think a better choice of words is obsessive compulsive, or neat freak or something like that. But "anal retentive", I mean really...what does that mean? So I looked in my handy dandy dictionary and believe it or was in there!! it says "Anal retentive (of a person) excessively orderly and fussy, (supposedly owing aspects of potty training in infancy)."

So I'm still confused. Why would anyone want to say that? You will never ever catch me calling someone anal retentive...unless I am referring to the fact that they aren't taking a poop!


oofie goofie said...

I think when someone is uptight they do tense up their rump. I actually feel myself tensing there when I'm mad about a mess or something not going the way I want. I wouldn't characterize myself as neat or fussy, but my stress does keep my bum a little more muscular :)

oofie goofie said...

oops! Was that a rhetorical question?

Unknown said...

Ok so my sister gives you the reasoning behind anal retentive...that is too funny! However, I have to agree with her about the rump squeeze. I am guilty. It must run in the genes. I think the Galmans are just so rump relaxed (Logi was proof of that last night!). I definately had a tight rump in the movie this afternoon. HEHE

BTW...perfect name for your blog.