Monday, August 6, 2007


So I have started a new ritual around our house. It's called roomtime and I read it somehwere but I can't remember where. Anywho, at 10:00 every day, the boys have to go into their room and play alone for 1 hour. Andrew is still napping in the morning at this time, so it's easy for him. But Logan didn't really like the idea the first day. He cried and wanted me to play with him and wanted to come out of his room. I gave him some puzzles and books and other games that he can't play with when Andrew is around and told him to have fun. I also put on a cd of nursery rhymes and gave him a snack to eat his room, boy that was a treat! So by the second day, Logan was coming around and he seemed to like roomtime. On the third day I didn't hear from him the whole hour and when I went in to get him at the end, he showed me a puzzle that he had completed all by himself from start to finish!!! It was a 24 piece Clifford puzzle. I couldn't believe it, and he was sooooo proud of himself. So today was the fourth day of roomtime and Logan asked for an apple for his snack (I know my mother is cringing to read that I am giving my kids a snack in their bedroom...but a mommy's gotta do what a mommy's gotta do.) So I peeled Logan an apple, put it in a small plastic yellow bowl, gave him a napkin and let him sit on the floor in his room. After about 10 minutes I hear Logan calling me...I go to his room...
Logan holding the little yellow plastic bowl says- "Mommy, are these the apple beans?"
Me - "yes, those are the seeds, you don't eat those. where's the rest of the apple?"
Logan - opens his empty mouth wide and points his finger in
Me - "you ate it all?"
Logan - "yes"

Me - "Where's the CORE???"
Logan - opens empty mouth wide again
Me - "ALL OF IT????"
Logan - "yes, it was a big juicy red apple. yum"

And this is all that was left of the apple... the apple beans in the little yellow plastic bowl I had given him the apple in. He ate every single bit of that apple...core and all...have you ever heard of such a thing?
As for Roomtime, Logan gets excited now when I tell him it's roomtime! This is the greatest thing EVER!!!! I get an hour of peace and quiet while Logan learns how to play by himself. SUCH A GREAT IDEA...I wish I would have thought of it myself.

So here's some more funnies for Logan. Logan hates to have his hair washed because he doesn't like the water to get in his eyes. I always let him hold a washcloth over his eyes while I wash it. Well the other day I was hurrying the bath routine (which is usually daddy's job, so I'm not that good at it.) and I didn't give him a washcloth. I was trying to teach him to wipe his hands with his fingers so that he could get used to having water on his face. He was crying and screaming for me to give him a washcloth and I told him we didn't have any just to see what he would do. Logan's response was "WELL THEN GIVE ME SOME TOILET PAPER!!!!!!!!" He is too funny, I didn't give him the toilet paper, I gave him a washcloth and all was well.
AND we went in Erica's pool yesterday and Logan was swimming all around BY HIMSELF with the lifejacket. He and Benjamin were having races to see who could swim to the other side of the pool the fastest. Logan is getting good at the doggie paddle!!! For those of you who don't know Logan this is a HUGE accomplishment. Not only does he hate the water on his face in the bath, he hates the pool. I had to take him out of swimming lessons because he refused to go in the water. This is major stuff! he said he wanted to go back to Jimmin's pool today! I'm so proud of him!
I'm not so proud of him however because when Benjamin got to the side of the pool first...Logan boxed him in the face! Logan said "I was just trying to win, mommy". Luckily, sweet Benjamin said to me, "It's okay Ansley, it was an accident. Logi didn't mean to, just an accident."
Logan is not showing the best sportsmanship lately. About 6 or seven kids were having bike and foot races in the road the other day and when Logan didn't win...He burst into tears and cried for at least 5 mintues. He kept saying "I wanted to win, I wanted to win. " Then when it was time to race again, Logan decided to sit and watch the other kids race. I asked him why he wasn't racing and he said "Because they go too fast" . Poor kid. Logan was the only kid who was on foot, all the other kids were on bikes or scooters. He ran fast fast fast and he still was keeping up with them all. It was so sad to see him get so upset that he didn't win. One of the other sweet kids,( sorry renee I can't remember if it was ben or kyle) said "It's okay Logi, we can race again and we'll let you win". Logan just decided to play something else. I didn't know Logan was so competitive, he certainly doesn't get that from me. Marc talked to him about it on the phone a little, and Logan got sad again when he was telling Marc that he didn't win. Oh well, maybe next time!

Here's the boys having a snack at their new table in the kitchen. I got the table at Michaels craft store for $15 about 6 months ago. It was unfinished wood and I finally painted it black. I got these adorable antique oak schoolhouse chairs at a garage sale 2 weeks ago for $1 each!!!! what a bargain, and the boys love sitting at their little table!


Unknown said...

WOW...the whole darn apple! We have always known Logi could chew! Good thing he has great chompers. FUNNY!

And about boxing Benjamin in the face...I am sure it will be returned one day :) In the meantime, we will have to teach both boys the enjoyment of the race, not just the win.

We love you, LOGI! You should beat up all of your opponents before you hit the finish line...then you are for sure the winner.

And BTW, it was Ben the other day :)

Unknown said...

I can't believe he ate the whole darn apple - I laughed OUT LOUD when I saw the photo! What a great story! crack me up!

I love room time! Great concept and thanks for the idea!

And was Ben...and I have to share my theory on competetive nature if you don't mind?!?!

(here she goes again...blah blah blah)....

I believe that compassion, competitive edge, temper, apetite, outgoing-ness etc. etc ... anyway ... there are many part of a personality that are just in a person genes.

I think you can enhance or detract from these personality characteristics via socialization...but none the less...a big eater was born a big eater...a compassionate person was born compassionate...and a competitive person was born with an edge! (at least in my mind!!)

Logi's competative edge will help him in the years to come - maybe not at 3, but it will be a blessing in many ways. My Ben is very much the same way. If I can't win...I won't do it! It is my goal to encourage him that winning isn't everything and that practice makes perfect and to take this "crazy gene - that didn't come from me by the way!! ha ha ha" and make it his friend!!

I know you will be able to do this same with Logi! You handeled it so well the other day and with good friends like Ben, Kyle and Benjamin...and a little love...we will all make "I want to win" Logi's advantage in life!!! :)

Have a super day! I swear...I am done now...only short comments for the next month!